
At OneDrone, we provide comprehensive services in the field of unmanned aviation for businesses and individuals. We equip you from head to toe - we take care of everything, from purchasing your first drone, through training, insurance, and servicing, to software and the establishment of a safe flying system.

Selling software and hardware equipment.

Do you need an optimal drone for conducting your activities?
Do you already have a drone and are looking for a suitable software solution for management, data capture, and processing?
Are you searching for a drone system and the optimal software that will work with it?


Educational Center

OneDrone’s educational center offers various types of training for both professional users and hobbyists. The theoretical and practical courses are led by experienced and skilled experts who have been active in this field since 2012. Participants have access to the most up-to-date materials in Slovenian, aligned with the latest legislation.


Service and technical support.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) are complex systems that allow numerous configurations and software limitations. When you need assistance with settings, usage, and upgrading your aircraft, our experts will be available. They are highly knowledgeable about all types of aircraft and use them daily in their work, ensuring that no question remains unanswered.


Introducing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) into business operations.

Do you want to upgrade your business with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles? We will present you with the possibilities of their application, provide you with the appropriate system, and teach you how to operate it!


Assistance with purchasing and consultancy.

Are you looking to start using drones in your work?
Do you need assistance with selecting the right aircraft, registration, and implementation into your business?


Fleet management

OneDrone Fleet Management is a system of support services designed to simplify the management of your operator system. This solution is primarily intended for larger companies and organizations that have multiple drones and pilots within their operator system. It is also suitable for those aiming to establish a stable platform for the development of drone-related activities within their organization.



Insurance for damage caused to third parties and comprehensive insurance for modelers and operators of unmanned systems. We offer DJI Care Refresh packages and collaborate with the largest Slovenian insurance company – Triglav Insurance.


Legal assistance

The team of experienced experts at OneDrone is always available to assist you and provide all the necessary documentation for your safe and lawful drone operations.


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