Drones are the perfect tool for creating high-precision 3D terrain models and orthophoto plans. With the press of a button, you can quickly capture data that can be automatically transformed into 3D point clouds and terrain plans. These plans allow you to measure distances, areas, slopes, and volumes. In just a matter of minutes, a drone can accomplish the work of a team of people over several days.

Even basic models of drones allow efficient capture of photographs that can be used to create accurate 3D models and orthophoto plans using photogrammetry techniques. More powerful drones with larger cameras enable precise capture of details and automated flights along pre-programmed paths, further simplifying data capture. For higher accuracy, drones with integrated RTK GNSS systems can be used, and the 3D terrain models can be accurately georeferenced using ground control points.

Our drones enhance your productivity, reduce costs, and save your time. Contact us to explore the benefits of topographic surveys with drones and our aerial photogrammetry services.

The path to high-quality and accurate 3D terrain models requires selecting the right tools, the correct data capture methods, and appropriate data processing techniques. At ONEDRONE, we will provide you guidance in selecting suitable aircraft and software.

Our core services include:

  • Volume control of construction pits and landfills
  • Assessment and control of storm damage
  • Photogrammetric mapping of remote or inaccessible areas
  • Mapping of steep inaccessible slopes
  • Tracking changes in vegetation


  • High-resolution photogrammetric images
  • Photogrammetric point cloud
  • LiDAR point cloud
  • Orthophoto plan
  • Digital elevation model
  • Contour lines
  • Cross-section profiles
  • Technical report