Training Description

The Specific Operation Risk Assessment (SORA) is a crucial process that operators must conduct before performing operations with unmanned aerial systems within the “specific” category. Only after completing the risk assessment and implementing mitigation measures can the operation commence.

In the theoretical part of the course, candidates are introduced to the 10-step SORA process, which enables them to create a risk assessment and SORA form to be submitted as part of the operational permit application. During the practical part of the course, candidates develop a risk assessment that is typical for their area of operation.

Course Implementation

The course consists of both theoretical and practical components, both of which are conducted in a classroom setting at our training center.

The morning session focuses on explaining the theoretical aspects of the SORA process. In the afternoon session, candidates, with the guidance of an instructor, create a risk analysis.


The use of unmanned aerial systems for the practical training is included in the course fee. Candidates are welcome to bring their own unmanned aerial systems (recommended).

Theoretical Part of the Course

SORA Process

  • Operation Concept
  • Determination of Operational Volume of the Operation
  • Determination of Safety Area
  • Ground Risk Mitigation Measures
  • Determination of Final Ground Risk Level
  • Determination of Initial Air Risk Level
  • Strategic Measures to Reduce Air Risk
  • Determination of Final Air Risk Level
  • Tactical Measures to Reduce Air Risk
  • Determination of Specific Assurance and Integrity Level (SAIL)
  • Operational Safety Objectives (OSO) Identification
  • Adjacent Areas and Airspace Bordering the Operation Area
  • Additional Risks Associated with the Operation

Practical Part of the Course

  • Creation of a SORA Form specific to the operation the operator will conduct