This training is designed for the managerial and operational staff of operators engaged in activities within the open category of operations. You will learn how to perform procedures within the open category of operations, thoroughly acquaint yourself with the operational manual, and learn how to create it to suit your organization’s needs.

Upon completing the course, the managerial staff of the operator will be capable of fulfilling their legally mandated responsibilities, while the operational staff will gain a comprehensive understanding of their obligations and duties.

The theoretical part of the course is conducted in a classroom at our training center.

Lunch is included in the course price.

The course is intended for registered operators of unmanned aerial systems and their personnel who have completed at least the online knowledge test for category A1/A3.

Legislation and General Limitations

  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/947
  • Guidelines for the Implementation of Regulations
  • Acceptable Means of Compliance Slovenian Implementing Regulation

Operational Procedures

  • Structure and Purpose of the Operational Manual
  • Operator’s Organization
  • Responsibilities of Management Personnel
  • Responsibilities of Operational Personnel
  • Measures to Ensure Personal Data Protection
  • Equipment Maintenance
  • Training for Operational and Management Personnel
  • Standard Operational Procedures
  • Emergency Operational Procedures
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Geographical Areas of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
  • Procedures in Case of Accidents and Serious Incidents
  • Reporting of Incidents

Operator’s Record-Keeping

  • Purpose and Method of Operator’s Record-Keeping
  • Flight Records
  • Personnel Competence Records
  • Aircraft Maintenance Records
  • Dronelogbook Record-Keeping System