OneDrone Academy presents:
Aerial photography and recording course with Aleš Bravničar
About the mentor
Aleš Bravničar is one of the most sought-after Slovenian photographers. He is the author of more than 300 covers and numerous travel stories published on BBC World, in National Geographic Popotnik, the Saturday supplement of Delo diary and other reputable magazines and newspapers.
About the course
You will learn how to use the best settings for photography and video recording, all about ND filters and about shooting in challenging lighting conditions. In the course, we will also talk in more detail about the basics of composition, the use of colors for narration and the most used automated recording techniques, such as hyperlapse.
What will you gain from the course?
After completing the course, you will be richer for the upgraded knowledge of making great aerial photos and videos.
You will also master the techniques and settings related to aerial photography and videography.
This will allow you to safely use drones to produce stunning photos and videos.

Internationally acclaimed and award-winning filmmaker and photographer @skycrewdrone

An intensive program for creating content from a perspective unattainable with classic photography/video

During the course, current DJI drones will be available for learning and learning about software functions.

Objavljamo nagrajene fotografije z natečaja OneDrone Akademije.
Hvala vsem za sodelovanje!

Andrej Varšek

Rožle Bregar

Jani Kolman

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